Join our network to spread hope to kids battling cancer.

Get real estate leads of local buyers and sellers in our nonprofit network who want to make an impact for these kids.

Join our network to spread hope to kids battling cancer

If you have a proven track record of success, exceptional communication and customer service skills, and a desire to change the lives of kids battling cancer, then please contact us to be considered for a spot in The CARE Network!

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Our network of buyers and sellers wants to change the world.

Join The CARE Network so we can refer them to you when your expertise is a great match for them! It’s not just a GOOD CAUSE. It’s GOOD BUSINESS!


Large Sponsorship Recognition

We promote The CARE Network on all promotional materials for Youth-Led Charities. This includes in newsletters, in the magazine, on mailers sent to tens of thousands of homes, and more!


$7,500/Month Local Google Ads Budget

We allocate $7,500/month in Google advertising targeting people buying or selling homes in South Utah County. We find buyers and sellers that want to help kids battling cancer when they buy or sell a home.


Promoted to 90,000+ Local Homes

The CARE Network is promoted in the YLC Impact Magazine that is promoted to 90,000+ local, high-income households.

I used a Realtor with The CARE Network because I have a friend with a daughter that had cancer. I wanted to support this great cause, but honestly, the service itself was absolutely amazing. My agent was fantastic. TCN also reimbursed me for all my expenses when I had to back out of a contract … I would definitely recommend this service to anyone.

Sarah J.

Buyer and Seller

Contact Us


(801) 989-0941

Agent/Service of Utah Referral Network

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